Sunday, February 10, 2013

Article 1, Section 3, The Right to Call an emergency meeting: The Narrative analysis of TBBG

 When it comes to sitcoms, a lot of them have the same story line. In some way there is a villain and a hero, who most of the time butt heads and are there for comical relief or the villain is actually there to make the hero’s life worse.  The Big Bang Theory has its own problems that are solved throughout the show or each episode. The cast though, seems to take on each role of the Narrative Analysis.  The Cast of The Big Bang Theory covers all the bases of an Narrative analysis,  their roles change.  There is not just one central false hero or donor it changes based on the situation.
   The Big Bang Theory is a TV Comedy that follows the lives of a group of friends that all happen to be nerds.  The narrative analysis of this show is a little  different from other Comedy sitcoms.  The show has a villain or an antagonist (Sheldon).  Sheldon likes to make his roommates' (Leonard), the hero, life a living hell.  Sheldon with his crazy roommate rules makes Leonard want to kill him.  Leonard looks for advice in his two best friends (Raj and Howard).  Raj and Howard act as the donor, the helper, the dispatcher and false hero.  The reason I say this is because in different situations Raj and Howard play different roles.  If Raj, Howard, and Leonard are all trying to get the same girl, the trio plays the role of a false hero.  Raj, Howard and Leonard work to undermine each other in order to get the upper hand.  Now, in the idea of the princess there could be a few.  Sometimes the next door neighbor (Penny) could use saving. In other situations and in newer episdoes you could have Bernadette and Amy could pose as damsel in distress.  For the sake of time we'll just say Penny is the princess   Penny's situations revolve around boys or everyday life.  Leonard, try's to save her every time. Most of the time Leonard fails or Penny safes herself.  This is because Leonard is always looking for an opportunity to ask her out. When this happens Penny seeks advice from Sheldon who then confuses her when trying to help her. Sheldon is still the villain because sometimes he doesn't help Penny at all he just insults her intelligence.  
 In the show the narrative analysis changes based on the situation. The Big Bang Theory is just this, each character changes based on the situation. They are like a normal group of friends.  This is what happens in real life.  Which is what TV is becoming, reality.    


  1. Bahaha, I love you said Sheldon is the villain. When you think about it, it does make sense. It's funny though because he is classified as part of the friend group, so maybe I would view him more as the false hero. Now I really don't know...

  2. cool, I've never watched the show, but the things you described and the storyline makes me want to watch it, and this is what makes a good narritive analysis, simply to make the viewers want to watch the show or keep watching it. defenitly tv shows is becoming more like reality without the crazy drama, which makes shows more realistic.

  3. This show definitely fits a good narrative analysis. I love how you go on with the story line on the experiences that the characters deal with and how they act upon. and yes I agree with Kim that is so true how you classify Sheldon as a Villian and it is quite funny to think about!! Haha

  4. This was a very well put together blog post Kaylee. I enjoyed the way you gave your insight on the experiences and situations that they characters go through. I really enjoyed learning more about this show because Ive never been able to watch it but now i want to. Over all very good post.
