Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm Not Insane My Mother Had Me Tested: The Influence of Digital Media

   In an age where technology is the center of everything, TV programs haven't been shy to take advantage of a great personal way to connect with their fans.  Before the interactivity of digital media, there was just a one-way form of communication between the producers and the audience.  Now in we have moved into an age of cool media where you can tweet at your favorite TV show like The Big Bang Theory.
   The fans of The Big Bang Theory a CBS comedy show, that follows the lives of a group of friends, that happen to be "nerds".  The convergence of mass media has give the fans of The Big Bang Theory the opportunity to take their fandom to a new level.  Not only can the fans by shirts with Dr. Sheldon Cooper's favorite saying, Bazinga,  but they can interact with the characters of the  show.  Fans do this in two ways.  One would be using Twitter.  Twitter is the new top dog in social media.  Almost every  major corporation, celebrity, or show has a Twitter and the Big Bang Theory is no exception.  The Big Bang Theory has their own twitter page that offers many opportunities for fans to show their excitement for the show.  Not even that, but viewers can interact with  the actors  by Tweeting at them through Twitter.  Fans would want to interact with their favorite actor because it makes the fans feel as if they are part of the show.  The more the fans feel like their part of the show the more they will watch.  Fans want to be in the drama and feel like they actually are friends with the actors.   That's the reason that people tweet at the actors, it gives them a sense that they know them personally.  Not only do social media sites give TV shows the opportunity to connect with their fans, but with the development of the internet gives fans the chance to show their fandom on fan pages.  Fan pages were not possible until the development of the internet.  The Big Bang Theories fan page  gives the fans the chance to answer trivia questions, take polls, look at photos of the cast and talk with other fans about the shows.
  The creation of  multi-media and the internet  helps viewers and fans of shows to watch and interact with he characters of the Big Bang Theory.  Now because of the convergence of  digital media  fans now can relive and talk about every quirky saying of Dr. Sheldon Copper and parts of the show like this one.


  1. Wait...they have trivia?! Haha I want in on this! This actually makes me want to get a Twitter account... #bigbangtheoryproblems #nerd #hashtagsareobnoxiousthough #welp #sorryimnotsorry

  2. This is interesting, how much the digital media age has and influence on TV shows, and I do agree with you that with these developments the interactions between the fans and the charactors on the show made the fans feel more part of the project and would want to keep watching the show even more.

  3. Very good blog post Kaylee. I really enjoyed this because it is so cool how much of an influence digital media has on the world. I love when the fans get to interact with the characters of their favorite shows. Its so awesome to feel like you are a part of your favorite show.

  4. Yes!! Good choice of topic to blog on. I only just started watching this show and I love it! It is great how this show has its own twitter to keep the fan base going and pumped up to watch and post about the episodes being played. Good first blog!!
